Jesus came to bring us into a full, rich, and abundant life. In the Greek, this word is ZŌĒ (pronounced zo-ay). As Jesus’ followers, He calls us to go and share this Good News with the whole world.


Our story started ten years ago. Jessie was eighteen years old, and she was visiting Tanzania with her family. One night, God gave Jessie a vivid dream. In this dream Jessie opened up a home for street children in Tanzania, discipling and loving thousands of children.

A year later, Jessie and Peter (just friends at the time) were at a church service. The pastor pointed at Jessie in the middle of his message and told her to stand up. He proceeded to share a word for her: "I see a picture of thousands of African children following you down a narrow path...and I specifically feel like the Lord has land for you in Tanzania.”

Fast forward another year and Jessie gave Peter this ultimatum: “If you want to marry me, you need to commit to the vision God has given me for Tanzania.”

In 2022, this dream began to get more real. Peter was directing a campaign in Mwanza, Tanzania and Jessie was able to join him for this week of mission. Over the course of that week, they saw over 500,000 people reached with the Gospel. In addition, they saw thousands of people saved, healed and delivered.

It was during that mission that God reawakened this vision: to open up homes for street children, where they can be loved, clothed, fed and discipled. Thus, Jessie and Peter launched ZOE Global to fulfill the dream that God has planted in their hearts.

Take action & partner with God to reach the lost and vulnerable.